Great work mate! When your living this it's a weird, restless fever dream, but when your reading it as prose it is quite beautiful.

"Philosophers and scientists have contended over the essence of the mind since time immemorial, but the answer is simple: it’s a work in progress, never complete, never whole and never at one with itself."

This part was about the mind being fragmented was great.

I laughed at the line about how if you were a real nihilist you wouldn't kill yourself but going on living as post traumatic being.

This whole reading made me think of something I heard from Sadghuru of all people, I'm modifying this but he basically said that the part of the brain which is creating your terrible self-consciousness took billions of years to create, but if it's bothering you that badly we can cut it out and you can be at peace playing with a ball like an animal.

The hole that got punched in our souls is permanent.

Keep up the great work brother!

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Thanks for the comment, mate! I appreciate you engaging with this piece. I have to admit that, at first, I was contemptuous of Sadhguru as I am highly sceptical of the "guru" types. However, after a colleague I liked convinced me to listen to his talks, I realised he was quite astute and wasn't yet another self-help charlatan selling people a way out.

Again, thank you for your comment. As you probably know, writing is something very intimate to one, so when you take the time to correspond with me, it means a lot. Cheers!

Do send me a message on IG or an email and we can connect privately, if you're keen.

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